THelpTopic Contents PassportGOLD interface Glossary The Main Menu: Online Administration Flatfile Setup Flatfile Application Selection Map Flatfile Group Definitions EDI Flatfile Application Selection Map Flatfile Trading Partner Send Receive Versions Security Reference Tables Cross-Reference Tables Verify Tables Con-Cat Table Diagnostics Utilities Autoexec Colors Custom Default System EDI Processing Communications Advantis DSRterm Flatfile Conversion EDI Flatfile Conversion Archive/Restore Quit Exit THelpTopic Index PassportGOLD Interface Application Add/Edit Field Format Application Field Format Application Application Record Indicator Format Application Setup Element Element Segment Trading Partner THelpTopic TRADING PARTNER MENU Trading Partner informtion update. Close Copy Copy Floppy Copy Floppy Delete Edit Report Trading Partner THelpTopic MAP ELEMENT Move Sign Compare Field Acumulate Accumulate Total Element Accumulator Element Element Counter Comparison Compare Value Previous Usage Next Usage THelpTopic MAP ELEMENT LIST Element Select Next Previous Close THelpTopic MAP SEGMENT LIST Close Delete Edit Insert Segment Select THelpTopic MAP LIST Copy Copy Floppy Copy Floppy Close Delete Edit Report Select THelpTopic EDIT FIELD FORMAT Sequence Number Field Field Header/Detail/Summary Field Length FieldValue Save Cancel THelpTopic APPLICATION FIELD FORMAT LIST Field Format Application Field Delete Field Format Edit Field Format Insert Field Format Close THelpTopic APPLICATION RECORD INDICATOR FORMAT Cancel Record Format Indicator Save THelpTopic APPLICATION SETUP Close Copy Define Delete Indicator Record THelpTopic APPLICATION LIST BOX Application Application Close Copy Application Copy Floppy Copy Floppy Delete Application Report Select Application THelpTopic How to Use Help Use the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll this screen up and down. Wherever you are in PassportGOLD, you can press F1 to see a Help screen about the currently active menu command or dialog-box item. This is called context-sensitive Help. K Context-sensitive Help typically comes up in a dialog-style Help window: Close Help buttons box (Tab to activate) PassportGOLD Help Dialog Cross Ref scroll bars Previous Help screen Contents Index Cancel Navigating through a Help window: If you're using the keyboard, you can Tab to the Help keywords, then press Enter; or press the Cross ref button. If you're using a mouse, click the Help keyword you're interested in. To view the Help window associated with the keyword, click on the Cross Reference button or double click the keyword. THelpTopic PassportGOLD Interface Navigating through the Main Menu Online Administration EDI Processing Quit 12:00:00 Screen Generator Menu bar Current time . . . . . . Active hot keys Information F1 Help Alt-X Exit Screen Generator Keyboard: Press Alt and the highlighted letter of the menu you want (such as Alt+A for the Administration menu), use the arrow keys to select a command, then press ENTER to choose that command. You can also press the highlighted letter of a menu name or command instead of using the arrow keys. Mouse: Click the title of the menu you want to pull down, then click the menu command you want to choose. Click on the active hot keys on the status line have the same effect as pressing the hot keys. Navigating through a Dialog Box/Window Input line 1: OK Input line 2: Input line 3: Cancel Selection list button Push button List box scroll bars Check boxes [X] Option 1 [ ] Option 2 [X] Option 3 Radio buttons ( ) Choice 1 ) Choice 2 ( ) Choice 3 ( ) Choice 4 In a dialog box, an item can be an input line, a list box, a text editor, a check box, a radio button, a push button, or a selection list indicator. Keyboard: Use the TAB key to move the cursor from one item to another. In a list box, use the UP, DOWN, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, HOME, and the END keys to move the selection bar. Pressing ENTER will trigger the default button, which is usually highlighted or look different from other push buttons depending on the color scheme. In a list of check boxes, use the arrow keys to move the cursor and press the SPACE bar to put a check mark on it. In a list of radio buttons, use the arrow keys to move the indicator. If there is a selection list button immediately to the right of an input line, press F2 to activate the selection list associated with it. To press a button, you can TAB to it and press ENTER or use the hot key associated with the button. Mouse: Click on an item to select it. Double-clicking on a selection in a list box have the same effect as pressing ENTER. Clicking on a check box will put a check mark on it. Clicking on a radio button will put the indicator on it. Click on the selection list button to activate the selection list associated with the input line. To press a button, click on the button. THelpTopic ONLINE Dynamic Data Entry through User Defined Screens. THelpTopic ADMINISTRATION Flatfile Setup Trading Partner Versions Security Reference Tables Diagnostics Utilities THelpTopic FLATFILE SETUP The FLATFILE SETUP pulldown menu accesses routines used to define the application file and create EDI maps. THelpTopic FLATFILE TO EDI Send application. THelpTopic APPLICATION SELECTION List of current applications. THelpTopic MAP FLATFILE TO EDI List of send maps. THelpTopic GROUP DEFINITIONS Allows multiple, documents to be sent within one GS. THelpTopic EDI TO FLATFILE EDI to flatfile maintenance menu. THelpTopic APPLICATION SELECTION List of receive applications. THelpTopic MAP EDI TO FLATFILE List of receive maps. THelpTopic TRADING PARTNER This selection will set up trading partner information for an EDI document to be sent to or received from another trading partner. THelpTopic SEND TRADING PARTNER SETUP This selection will set up trading partner information for an EDI document to be sent to another trading partner. THelpTopic RECEIVE TRADING PARTNER SETUP This function allows the user to set up information to Receive a transaction from a trading partner. THelpTopic VERSION This selection provides a list of ANSI versions. Each version must be installed and then add to this List. Contact DSR for additional versions. Each version can be edited. This can be helpful when your data exchange has changed from the standards. THelpTopic SECURITY This function allows the user to add User names and Passwords. There are two levels of security: USER: Access to all areas except the Administration Menu. ADMINISTRATION: Access to all menus. THelpTopic REFERENCE TABLES User defined tables. THelpTopic CROSS-REFERENCE TABLE List of cross reference tables. THelpTopic VERIFY TABLES List of verify tables. THelpTopic CON-CAT TABLE Con-Cat field list. THelpTopic DIAGNOSTICS This function is used to check errors in the EDI syntax and structure. In the Trading Partner Setup, the Diagnostics Flag must be switched to Yes for this function to operate. THelpTopic UTILITIES Helpful tools for EDI administration. THelpTopic AUTOEXEC Executes a .BAT file created by the user to run either before a SEND application is translated or after a RECEIVE application has been translated. THelpTopic COLORS Color setup menu. THelpTopic CUSTOM Custom color setup. THelpTopic DEFAULT Set colors to default settings. THelpTopic SYSTEM Data is stored in its EDI format. If 'Days to Keep' is blank, data will not be deleted and must be manually deleted to remove it from your files. PassportGOLD will, with a value in the 'Days to Keep' field, automatically and periodically delete the files for you, whether or not you have backed up your fiels on a floppy disk. THelpTopic EDI PROCESSING Communications Flatfile Conversion EDI Flatfile Conversion Archive/Restore THelpTopic COMMUNICATIONS Communication selection menu. THelpTopic ADVANTIS Advantis communications network. THelpTopic DSRterm DSR terminal communications package. THelpTopic FLATFILE TO EDI CONVERSION Process flatfiles in EDIOUTBX directory and append translated EDI file to \ediout\EDIDAT.OUT. THelpTopic EDI TO FLATFILE CONVERSION Process EDI file in EDIIN directory and convert to flatfile(s) in the EDIINBOX directory. THelpTopic ARCHIVE/RESTORE Archive / Restore . THelpTopic QUIT Exit the program. THelpTopic EXIT Confirm exit. THelpTopic APPLICATION LIST BOX Application List Box THelpTopic SELECT APPLICATION Select Application from List THelpTopic COPY APPLICATION Application Copy Button THelpTopic ADD APPLICATION Application Add Button THelpTopic DELETE APPLICATION Will delete the highlighted application. The complete application will be deleted. THelpTopic REPORT This function will print a detail listing of all records in the application listed. THelpTopic COPY TO FLOPPY DISK Rhis function will copy an application to a selected floppy drive. THelpTopic COPY FROM FLOPPY DISK This function will copy an application from a selected floppy drive. THelpTopic CLOSE Close window and return to previous screen. THelpTopic LIST OF RECORD TYPES This screen is a list of record types for the application. The application can have as many as 40 different record types. The first record type must be entered in FMT 01 and no FMT should be skipped. (i.e. 4 record types should be in FMT 01, 02 , 03, 04; not 01, 02, 05, 06) A new record indicator tells the translator when to create that record. (i.e. Rec.FMT 01 will be created each time the BPR segment is read. THelpTopic INDICATOR Edit Application Record Indicator THelpTopic DEFINE Application Setup Define Fields THelpTopic COPY Application Setup Copy Record Type THelpTopic DELETE Application Setup Delete Record Type THelpTopic CLOSE Close window and return to previous screen. THelpTopic RECORD FORMAT INDICATOR A new record indicator is necessary to tell the translator when to create a new record. NOTE: In the SEND application, the new record indicator (maximum of 30 characters) points to the application. The new record indicator is necessary to point the translator to the correct record type when processing Flatfile to EDI data. In the RECEIVE application the new record indicator points to the EDI segment. MAPPING TECHNIQUES: Flatfile must match the same order of the EDI document. You cannot map an element from a record that has not yet occured or has previously processed. THelpTopic SAVE Save new or edited record indicator THelpTopic CANCEL Do not save new or edited record indicator THelpTopic APPLICATION FIELD LIST This function will display a list of segments associated with the defined document map. The headings of this list, and a brief description of each, are as follows: SEQ:Number associated by PassportGOLD and is used to keep the items in the list in order. DESCRIPTION:ANSI assigned description of the selected segment. ID:Loop ID.* USE:Refers to the number of times a segment will occur. Note only if segment test values are different. FMT:Points segment to record in the application file. H/D/S:Header, detail or summary field. Headers must be designated for translation processing. *Common usage is the segment (e.g. ST, BIG, N1). The N1, N2, N3, and N4 segments, as a group, may occur more than once. By placing N1 under ID, to the right of N1,N2,N3 and N4 segments, the translator will recognize that a second set of N1,N2,N3 and N4 may follow. THelpTopic EDIT FIELD FORMAT Edit field in record format. THelpTopic EDIT FIELD FORMAT Add new field to record format THelpTopic DELETE FIELD FORMAT Will delete the highlighted record from the list. THelpTopic INSERT FIELD FORMAT This function will allow a new application field to be inserted. PassportGOLD will insert the added field above the highlighted format. The highlighted format will be moved down one place and the SEQ numbers will be automatically recalculated. THelpTopic CLOSE Close Field list and return to previous screen THelpTopic SEQUENCE NUMBER Will position record within the list. (Automatically assigned). THelpTopic FIELD NAME Description of element field, max. of 13 characters. THelpTopic FIELD TYPE (A) Alphanumeric (N[0-9]) Numeric (MM) MMDDYY (month day year) (DD) DDMMYY (day month year) (YY) YYMMDD (year month day) (TM) Time THelpTopic HEADER/DETAIL/SUMMARY Header, Detail or Summary field. THelpTopic FIELD LENGTH Length of field; specified field length should be between 1 and 100. THelpTopic FIELD VALUE Data may be inserted using Value. Literals may be inserted by using single quote marks. Reserve words may alos be used, simply refer to the list of Reserved words. THelpTopic SAVE Application Field Edit Save THelpTopic CANCEL Application Field Cancel THelpTopic MAP LIST BOX Displays a list of document maps. THelpTopic SELECT Select map from list THelpTopic ADD Add new map to list THelpTopic DELETE Delete map from list THelpTopic EDIT Edit map description THelpTopic COPY Copy map to new map name THelpTopic COPY TO FLOPPY DISK Copy map files to floppy disk THelpTopic COPY FROM FLOPPY DISK Copy map files from floppy disk THelpTopic REPORT Map report THelpTopic CLOSE Close map list window and return to previous screen THelpTopic SEGMENT LIST Displays a list of segments associated with the defined document map. NOTE: All segments are built into the Map. Segments not used should be deleted. THelpTopic SELECT Select segment and display element list THelpTopic EDIT Edit segment description THelpTopic INSERT Insert segment at current position THelpTopic DELETE Delete segment from list THelpTopic CLOSE Close and return to map list window THelpTopic ELEMENT LIST BOX Displays a list of elements that are associated with a specific segment. Next & Previous will change the use if this segment has been defined with more than one occurance. (Usage 1 of ?) tells which occurance is being edited. THelpTopic SELECT Select element and display map window THelpTopic NEXT If segment has more than one occurance NEXT will position to next occurance by incrementing usage at top of window. THelpTopic PREVIOUS If segment has more than one occurance PREVIOUS will position to previous occurance by decrementing usage at top of window. THelpTopic CLOSE Close element list window and return to segment list. THelpTopic MOVE A value that is held by the variable in the MOVE field will be placed in the TO field. THelpTopic TO A value that is held by the variable in the MOVE field will be placed in the TO field. THelpTopic SIGN This field accepts the Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), and Division (/) signs. This sign is use to perform the operation using the field above and the field below this operator. THelpTopic COMPARE FIELD The identifier in this field would hold a numeric value and be used to perform the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division operation. THelpTopic SIGN This field accept the Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), and Division (/) signs. This sign is used to perform the operation using the field above and the field below this operator. THelpTopic COMPARE FIELD The identifier in this field would hold a numeric value and be used to perform the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division operation. THelpTopic SIGN This field accepts the Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), and Division (/) signs. This isgn is used to perform the operation using the field above and the field below this operator. THelpTopic COMPARE FIELD The identifier in this field would hold a numeric value and be used to perform the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division operation. THelpTopic ACCUMULATE TO This field is set to 0 each time this element is processed then the result of the operations of the 4 fields to the right are placed into this identifier. THelpTopic ACCUMULATE TOTAL This field retains the result of the operation of the specified by the operators on the four identifiers above. This field is NOT reset to 0 until a new document is processed. THelpTopic The field retains a running total of of the values contained in the MOVE field identifier. Accumulator Reset Sequence ST Segment - The accumulators 0 - 15 will be reset each time the ST segment is processed. GS Segment - The accumulators 15 - 20 will be reset each time the GS segment is processed. ISA Segment - The accumulators 20 - 25 will be reset each time the ISA segment is processed. THelpTopic This field retain the value contained in the MOVE field identifier. Save Reset Sequence ST Segment - The save fields 0 - 40 will be reset each time the ST segment is processed. GS Segment - The save fields 40 - 45 will be reset each time the GS segment is processed. ISA Segment - The save fields 45 - 50 will be reset each time the ISA segment is processed. THelpTopic This counter retain the value contained in the MOVE field identifier. Counter Reset Sequence ST Segment - The save fields 0 - 15 will be reset each time the ST segment is processed. GS Segment - The save fields 15 - 20 will be reset each time the GS segment is processed. ISA Segment - The save fields 20 - 25 will be reset each time the ISA segment is processed. THelpTopic The value of the identifier in this field will be compared to value in the value file according to the comparison field. If static text is used in stead of a field identifier this text must be enclosed within single quotes ( ' ). THelpTopic This file can contain the following values: If COMPARISON Values > - Greater Than >= - Greater Than or Equal < - Less Than <= - Less Than or Equal >< - Not Equal = - Equal THelpTopic The value in the IF field will be compared to this field according to the type of comparison. If the values are equal then this element will be processed and if the values are not equal no process is done on this segment. If static text is used in stead of a field identifier this text must be enclosed within single quotes ( ' ). THelpTopic The value of the identifier in this field will be compared to value in the value file according to the comparison field. If static text is used in stead of a field identifier this text must be enclosed within single quotes ( ' ). THelpTopic This file can contain the following values: If COMPARISON Values > - Greater Than >= - Greater Than or Equal < - Less Than <= - Less Than or Equal >< - Not Equal = - Equal THelpTopic The value in the IF field will be compared to this field according to the type of comparison. If the values are equal then this element will be processed and if the values are not equal no process is done on this segment. If static text is used in stead of a field identifier this text must be enclosed within single quotes ( ' ). THelpTopic The value of the identifier in this field will be compared to value in the value file according to the comparison field. If static text is used in stead of a field identifier this text must be enclosed within single quotes ( ' ). THelpTopic This file can contain the following values: If COMPARISON Values > - Greater Than >= - Greater Than or Equal < - Less Than <= - Less Than or Equal >< - Not Equal = - Equal THelpTopic IF COMPARISON Value The value in the IF field will be compared to this field according to the type of comparison. If the values are equal then this element will be processed and if the values are not equal no process is done on this segment. If static text is used in stead of a field identifier this text must be enclosed within single quotes ( ' ). THelpTopic PREVIOUS USAGE If a segment has more than one occurance this will display the previous occurance of this element. This selection is available by pressing F4 or by tabbing to the Previous Usage button. THelpTopic NEXT USAGE If a map element has more than one occurance this will display the next occurance of this element. This selection is available by pressing F5 or by tabbing to the Next Usage button. THelpTopic PREV ELEMENT This selection will display the previous element in the element list. This selection is available by pressing F8 or by tabbing to the PREV ELEMENT button. THelpTopic NEXT ELEMENT This selection will display the next element in the element list. This selection is available by pressing F9 or tabbing to the PREV ELEMENT button. THelpTopic TRADING PARTNER LIST This screen list send / receive trading partners. THelpTopic EDIT Change trading partner information. THelpTopic ADD Add new trading partner THelpTopic COPY Copy selected trading partner information for use in creating new trading partner information. THelpTopic DELETE Delete the selected trading partner from list. THelpTopic COPY TO FLOPPY DISK Copy selected trading partner information to floppy disk. THelpTopic COPY FROM FLOPPY DISK Copy trading partner information from floppy disk. THelpTopic REPORT Print trading partner report. THelpTopic CLOSE Close trading partner window and return to main menu. THelpTopic RECEIVER ISA QUALIFIER Qualifier of receive trading partner. THelpTopic RECEIVE ISA ID Receive trading partner ID. THelpTopic RECEIVER GS ID Receivers GS ID. THelpTopic OUR ISA QUALIFIER Our ISA qualifier. THelpTopic OUR ISA ID Our ISA ID THelpTopic OUR GS ID Our GS ID THelpTopic VERSION Version of standard used. THelpTopic INTERNAL NUMBER Internal number of receive trading partner. THelpTopic SET Set number of document. THelpTopic ACKNOWLEDGMENT Is acknowledgment expected for receive trading partner. (Y/N) THelpTopic STORE DIAGNOSTIC DATA Store diagnostic data from translation. (Y/N) THelpTopic ELEMENT SEPERATOR A character that will separate each element in the EDI document. Press F2 to display a list. THelpTopic SEGMENT TERMINATOR A character that will terminate each segment. Press F2 to display a list. THelpTopic MAP NAME Name of map that will be used to create the EDI file. THelpTopic GROUP NAME Group identifier for multiple documents within a single ISA segment. THelpTopic FLATFILE NAME Name of flatfile that contains information for generating the EDI file. THelpTopic ACCOUNT NUMBER Account number of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic USER ID User ID of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic COMPANY NAME Name of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic ADDRESS LINE Address of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic ADDRESS LINE Address of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic CITY City of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic STATE State of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic ZIP CODE Zip code of receiving trading partner. THelpTopic TP START POSITION The starting position of key in the flatfile that specifies the beginning of a new trading partner. THelpTopic TP END POSITION The ending position of the key in the flatfile that specifies the beginning of a new trading partner. THelpTopic DOCUMENT START POSITION Starting position of key in the flatfile that specifies the beginning of a new document. THelpTopic DOCUMENT END POSITION Ending position of key in the flatfile that specifies the beginning of a new document. THelpTopic ISA Enter ISA segment information. THelpTopic GS Enter GS segment information. THelpTopic NETWORK Enter network information. THelpTopic OK Save changes and return to trading partner list. THelpTopic CANCEL Do not save changes and return to trading partner list. THelpTopic AUTHORIZATION CODE QUALIFIER Authorization code qualifier THelpTopic AUTHORIZATION INFORMATION Authorization information THelpTopic SECURITY CODE QUALIFIER Security code qualifier THelpTopic SECURITY INFORMATION Security information THelpTopic SENDER QUALIFIER Sender qualifier. THelpTopic SENDER ID Sender ID THelpTopic RECEIVER QUALIFIER Receiver qualifier THelpTopic RECEIVER ID Receiver ID THelpTopic CONTROL ID Control ID THelpTopic VERSION Interchange version THelpTopic CONTROL NUMBER Control Number THelpTopic ACKNOWLEDGMENT Acknowledgment (Y/N) THelpTopic TEST INDICATOR Test Indicator THelpTopic SUB ELEMENT SEPERATOR Sub Element Seperator THelpTopic FUNCTIONAL ID CODE Functional ID Code THelpTopic SENDERS CODE Senders Code THelpTopic RECEIVERS CODE Receivers Code THelpTopic GROUP CONTROL NUMBER Group control number THelpTopic RESPONSIBLE AGENCY CODE Responsible agency code THelpTopic VERSION Version THelpTopic VERSION LIST List of available versions THelpTopic SELECT Edit version THelpTopic ADD Add new version THelpTopic DELETE Delete version THelpTopic EDIT Edit version THelpTopic CLOSE Close version window and return to main menu. THelpTopic VERSION Version number. (eg. 003010, 003020, 003040) THelpTopic OK Save version to file. THelpTopic CANCEL Do not save version to file. THelpTopic TABLE 1 LIST List of records in table #1. THelpTopic EDIT Edit current selection. SET ID VERSION FUNCTIONAL GROUP ID NUMBER OF SEGMENTS IN SET. THelpTopic ADD Add new SET to table #1. SET ID VERSION FUNCTIONAL GROUP ID NUMBER OF SEGMENTS IN SET THelpTopic DELETE Delete SET from table #1. THelpTopic TABLE 2 Edit table #2 THelpTopic SET DETAIL Edit set detail table. THelpTopic CLOSE Close window and return to Version List. THelpTopic SET DETAIL LIST Set detail list THelpTopic EDIT Edit set detail record THelpTopic ADD Add new set detail record THelpTopic DELETE Delete set detail record THelpTopic CLOSE Close set detail window and return to previous screen. THelpTopic SET ID Table 1 Set ID THelpTopic VERSION Table 1 Version THelpTopic FUNCTIONAL GROUP ID Table 1 functional group id THelpTopic NUMBER OF SEGMENTS IN SET Table 1 number of segments in set THelpTopic OK Save to table 1 THelpTopic CANCEL Do not save to table 1 THelpTopic TABLE 2 LIST Table 2 list THelpTopic EDIT Edit table 2 record THelpTopic ADD Add record to table 2 THelpTopic DELETE Delete record from table 2 THelpTopic TABLE 3 Table 3 THelpTopic TABLE 4 Table 4 THelpTopic SEGMENT NOTE Segment note THelpTopic CLOSE Close window and return to previous screen THelpTopic LIST BOX List of cross-reference tables THelpTopic SELECT Select highlighted cross-reference table for editing. THelpTopic ADD Add new cross-reference table THelpTopic DELETE Delete highlighted cross-reference table THelpTopic CLOSE Close cross-reference list window and return to main menu. THelpTopic LIST BOX List of verify tables THelpTopic SELECT Select highlighted verify table for editing. THelpTopic ADD Add new verify table THelpTopic DELETE Delete verify table from list THelpTopic CLOSE Close verify table list and return to main menu. THelpTopic NAME Unique name to identify field names from application. If used in a send document the values will be placed into a single string. If used in a receive document the string will be seperated and placed into the application fields. THelpTopic APPLICATION FIELD NAME A field name that exactly matches a field that has been created for an application. THelpTopic Add new record to list THelpTopic CANCEL Do not add new record to list THelpTopic LIST List of con-cat fields THelpTopic ADD Add to con-cat list THelpTopic EDIT Edit selected con-cat list THelpTopic DELETE Remove selected field from con-cat list THelpTopic CLOSE Close con-cat list and return to main menu THelpTopic SECURITY LIST List of persons with sign on names and passwords THelpTopic EDIT Edit highlighted sign on name and password THelpTopic ADD Add new sign on name and password THelpTopic DELETE Remove sign on name and password from list THelpTopic SECURITY LIST REPORT Report security sign on names THelpTopic CLOSE Close list of sign on names and return to main menu THelpTopic LIST List documents and map names. THelpTopic SELECT View list of history documents for the highlighted map THelpTopic CLOSE Close list of documents and return to the main menu THelpTopic LIST List of history documents for the selected map THelpTopic ARCHIVE Store the selected document to a floppy disk. (Drive A or B) THelpTopic UNARCHIVE Restore a document from a floppy disk. (Drive A or B) THelpTopic RETRANSLATE If the selected map is for a receive document it will be retranslated into the application record format. If the selected map is for a send document the document will be added to EDIDATA.OUT in the EDIOUT directory and be send on the next transmission. (NOTE: a copy of the document will be placed into the history list.) THelpTopic DELETE Delete the highlighted document from the history list. (WARNING: ARCHIVE should be used to store the document to a floppy disk before it is deleted.) THelpTopic VIEW EDI View the EDI document on screen THelpTopic AUDIT REPORT A report of documents listed THelpTopic VIEW RECORD View all information about the highlighted history record THelpTopic DIAGNOSTIC View all errors messages that occured during translation for the selected document. THelpTopic CLOSE Close history list and return to document list THelpTopic* GLOSSARY ANSI: American National Standard Institute. The recognized coordinator and clearing house for information on U.S. Standards. ANSI ASC X12: American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee X12. This comittee developes and maintains U.S. generic standards for Electronic Data Interchange. ARCHIVE: A temporary on-line storage for files imported into or exported from the translator package. AREA: An area is normally a specific part of the transaction set as defined by X12. There are three main areas of a transaction set- Heading, Detail and Summary. BAUD: The speed at which data is transmitted. BLOCK: An amount of data that is moved or addressed as a single unit. Analogus to a "record". BLOCKFILE: Unit of transmission for all data between the beginning and the end. COMPLIANCE CHECKING: Internal editing of an EDI document. Edits for ANSIx12 errors in outgoing and incoming docments. COMPRESSED DATA: A variable length data file where all leading zeroes, trailing spaces, and trailing delimiters are removed. CONTROL STRUCTURE: The beginning and ending(header and trailer) segments for entities in electronic data interchange. DATA ELEMENT: The smallest named item in the standard. It can represent a qualifier, a data value, or a textural comment. A data element has two primary attributes: length and type. Analogous to a "field". DATA ELEMENT DELIMITER: A special character which follows every data element, whether the data element is used or not. This delimiter or separator is specifice in the Interchange Control Header segment. This delimiter cannot be a character which is found in any data element in the interchange. DATA ELEMENT LENGTH: The range, minimum to maximum, of the number of character positions available to represent the contents of a data element. DATA SEGMENT: Data segment is the intermediate unit of information in a message. A segment consists of a pre-defined set of functionally related data elements which are identified by their sequential positions within the segment. A segment begins with a segment identifier(aunique three character alphabetic uper case code which uniquely identifies each segment) and ends with a segment terminator. DETAIL AREA: A Detail Area can be defined as the actual body of the Sent or Received transaction. It is any looping structure that occurs between the Header and Summary of the transaction set. DOCUMENT TURNAROUND: Allows the user to receive a document(such as a purchase order), then store the data in a database within the translator package and subsequently create another document(such as an invoice, ship notice, etc.). Only a few fields in the outgoing document have to be updated. ELEMENT SEPARATOR: A special character used to separate elements in a segment. Defined in the ICS segment. EXPORT: The translation of EDI data from the translator to an ASCII file and transfer to an application on another or same computer system. (EDI to Flatfile). FRONT-END PROCESSOR: A communication computer associated with a host computer. Usually a PC Translator package is used to convert the ANSIx12 code before it is sent to the host computer or to the Network. FUNCTIONAL GROUP: A collection of related transaction sets. Beginning and ending segments are used to envelop a complete functional group of transaction sets. Functional Group ID refers to...... HEADING AREA: This is the area at the beginning of a transaction set whicvh contains information that relates to the complete transaction set. GS/GS ENVELOPE: Envelope of data that contains one or several documents of the same type. HEADER: The segment which indicates the start of a transaction which is to be transmitted. Headers are control structures. Example: ICS or ISA. See alos HEADING AREA. IMPORT: The translation and transfer of ASCII flat file into ANSIx12 data format. The flat file can be from another or same computer system. INTERCHANGE: A collection of one or more functional groups sent from one company to another. One or more transactions are included in an interchange. INTERCHANGE ENVELOPE: The header and trailer segment enclosing one or more functional groups of an EDI transmission to a trading partner. MAILBOX: Storage device or location containing currently queued data for a trading partner. MAPPING: The process of relating a Flat file to an ANSIx12 document. MAPPER: Tables or programs used to translate the Flat file to an ANSIx12 document or translate an ANSIx12 document to a Flat file. MODEM: MOdulator-DEModulator. A device which converts the signal from a computer into a series of tones for transmission over the telephone lines. The process is reversed at the other end. RECEIVER CODE: A code used to identify the location/ orginization to which the data transmission is to be sent. RECEIVER ID: Identifies the functional group receiver. Used in the envelope to determine the destination of the data transmission and is defined by the trading partner. SEGMENT: A line of data in the standard. It is composed of elements and is analogous to a "record". See "Data Segment". Consists of logically related data elements in a defined sequence. SEGMENT TERMINATOR: A special charcacter used to separate segments in a transaction set. Defined in the ICS segment. SENDER CODE: A code used to reflect location/orginization that is generating the data transmission. STAND-ALONE: Total EDI and Document processing is handled within the translation package. This is a term normally used with PC packages. SUMMARY AREA: This occurs at the end of a transaction set and contains the information that addresses the results of summarizations of information in the detail area. TRAILER: The ending segment of a set of segments. The trailer is a control structure. Example: ICE or IEA. TRANSACTION SET: A complete business document. Synonym for document or message. TRADING PARTNER: Another company or individual that you normally conduct business with. X12: This term originates from ANSI. It refers to the ANSI standard for inter-industry electronic interchange of business transactions. THelpIndexP